It starts with yours truly once again finding myself ducking and weaving the consequences of what seems to be my previous life. Stubbornly remaining in a place where integrity is disintegrated by a few well placed lies, watching in utter dis belief and disgust as situations and the people involved are manipulated right before my very eyes over and over again.
Completely defeated by an opponent much more skilled then I in the ways of deception and dishonesty. learning with every new day that the guilty need only cry on the stand for false validation. Justice it would seem is only for those who would play the game.
I quicken my pace to the door watched by those who know but Ignore to keep peace whilst the ignorant judge from behind a smile and out stretched hand. no sourer taste is left in ones mouth than being crushed for holding ones end of the deal and no feeling harder to control than that of vengeance.
Being some what of a God fearing man or at the very least aware of his existence I began to way up the situation and question its importance. Was it all part of a plan, some Divine intervention shit or was it all just a major fuck up. Is there some lesson to be learnt here or had even the almighty bought into the Bull shit advertised. As theory's of insight came and went an argument within myself forged resulting in asking nay demanding for a sign an update if you will, of Gods current status in it all.
With that, in that very moment the sky began to move, slowly at first but then began to merge in a circular motion not knowing what to make of it all I reached for a my camera and began snapping away, content in the fact that my answer was indeed at hand. shapes and curves forming and disappearing moulding a message, my message, my Revelation of reason and insight of events to come displayed boldly in the sky. at last the higher powers had intervened.
No words can describe the horrifying numbness felt when in one single, biblical moment all that has occurred finally made sense.

(sigh) well that definitely makes a lot of sense.
Oh man I know what you mean one time I looked in the sky and "I know your Gay, stop fighting it" was written in the sky
G: are you sure the Gay community didnt just high jack a skywriter
I can only pray thats the case
I think I know what your talking about and if it hadve been me I would have made a huge scene of it. mind you I wouldve let that bitch have it a long time ago. dont know how you do it.
I'm not sure that i believe in god...but i believe in Karma. And Karma is a bitch, even if i'm not. I am certain that i am getting all of the bad karma my family has ever put out into the world. "Shit happens! But mostly to me, so dont worry", I'm not quite sure who wrote that but i am positive it was meant for me...
oh I wrote it, I just stole the picture from somewhere.
Its true, shit does happen when you party naked but ultimatly in the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter whether things happen for a reason or not, all and all at least you got to naked!
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